Applies to all tenant, read carefully

The following policy needs to be respected by every tenant. Not having knowledge of the Budapest Budget Rooms policies is not exempt from the possible sanctions. House Rules are regularly updated. The Owner notifies the Tenants when there is an update in the House Rules and Tenants are obligated to read the updates and follow them.

Last updated: August 30, 2023

Rules in a nutshell


You can pick a bed in a shared room or a single private room, it is also possible to book a full room with friends. Everyone needs to be above 18.

One Month Deposit

You can only reserve a room if you pay the deposit of ONE FULL MONTH. No deposit, no reservation. Be aware!

Contract Required

Every tenant needs to sign an official contract for a fixed term. All contracts are on a case-by-case basis.

Monthly Rent DUE

Rent is to be paid in advance, by the 15th of the month preceding the reference month by bank transfer.

Pets are not allowed

no smoking inside

Strict no party policy

Strict No Sleepovers

Section ZERO

On-boarding process

#Working Hours

We are working from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 16:00 except on Holidays.

#Primary Language

All the communication is happening in English, so please only apply for a room if you have the proper language knowledge to follow the instructions in English.

#Filtering System

All of our Tenants need to go trough a straightforward on-boarding process which is detailed below. This process guarantees that every member of our community is well informed about our rules, so they have the proper chance to respect the rules, hence to respect each other.

We send you our contract template and house rules among our first emails. Please make sure you read them carefully because you need to learn if it is suitable for you, you need to make sure you will want to sign it!

#Minimal Time of On-boarding

Please keep in mind that you won’t be able to rent a room from tomorrow. Since we have a detailed on-boarding process which you can not skip you will need at least 7 working days until your move-in after the deposit arrives to our bank account. Don’t worry, we will easily guide you trough the process, the timing mostly depends on the speed of your actions and responses.


Everything starts with filling out the contact form on the bottom of our website:

Please note that this is the only way to apply for a room. If you come here personally you will be asked to fill in the form first and come back later.

#Choosing a Place

You can choose a single bed in a shared room or you can rent a single room alone. It is also possible to book a multi bedded room with your friends.

We are happy to help you to pick the most suitable place for you even if you don’t find them for the first try. If you fill out our forms properly we will be able to find you the best possible room. Once that is done we will send you appointments for visiting the room(s) you liked the most.

#Visiting the Desired Room (Your Future Home)

Visiting the exact room(s) you wish to move into is a necessary element can not be skipped. If you did not visit a room you can not book it.

You can visit a room personally or online. Once you picked minimum 1 maximum 3 rooms to visit, we are sending you our appointment booker.

We need to meet our future Tenants, so the future Tenant(s) must show up at the visit, it is not possible to send a friend or a family member instead.

#Booking a Room

We are continuously advertising our rooms, meaning that they are available for those who are booking them by paying deposit. (deposit = one month rent + utility of the room). If you visit a room and you like it, you need to be prepared to pay the deposit immediately, otherwise the next visitor might take it by paying for it.
You get an official confirmation about the payment of the deposit immediately after it arrives.

IMPORTANT: If you send us a transfer from an international account, please make sure that you increase the amount with the costs of the transfer cause that is to be borne by the Tenant. If you do not know how much the transfer will cost we suggest you add an amount equal to 30€ to make sure that you don’t need to send a transfer again to complement the missing amount cause that might delay the reservation and the contract preparation. The deposit we get will be returned by the end of your contract when you properly hand back the room.


Are not available at the reception. All the payments are to be done via bank transfer (not card payment).

The cost of the international transfers are not included in the price. If you pay from an international bank account on the first hand you need to bear the costs which is to be set during the transfer. Even if you do that properly we will be charged with an extra cost of ~10€ which is not included in the rent you are paying, so this amount will be added to your next invoice as well.

It is important to add the proper reference in the reference field when you are transacting a transfer to make it possible to identify your payment. If you don’t add the preference we are requiring, an extra cost of 10€ will be added to your next invoice.

If we are continuously getting improper payments from you we are adding an extra 10€ after the second one to your upcoming invoices as the handling fee of the missing payments.

#Signing a Contract

Preparing your contract is a responsible job to do and we need maximum 1 week on working days for it and we only start it after the deposit is paid. If you change your mind about renting the room you are losing your deposit unfortunately.

As soon as the contract is ready we are emailing it to you for checking. Once you confirmed all the details we are signing it in another 48 hours on working days.

#Taking the Room

Once the contract is signed you can book an appointment for taking the room. During this appointment we are giving you the key and a proper on-boarding trip to teach you all the basic information you need to know for your everyday life here. This meeting usually takes 30 minutes.

We suggest you book an appointment for taking the room only not to move in at the same exact time. Moving in is a complicated procedure. If you miss your appointment you will need to book another one which is not possible for the same day, because we are fully scheduled for the day, meaning you will need to go to stay somewhere else. 

BEST PRACTICE: Come for the appointment for taking the key(s) and the tour and make sure you arrive in time (at least 5 minutes before your appointment). From the end of this meeting you have the key and every right to move in immediately. (We have a luggage room you can use free of charge, just make sure you book an appointment in advance to put down your belongings.)

IMPORTANT: If you are late more then 10 minutes, your appointment gets canceled and you will need to book a new one for another day. It means that you won’t be able to stay with us starting from the desired day, your moving is is getting postponed because you arrive late.

Please count with the next conditions:

  • Moving in is only possible after the contract is signed and the deposit + first rent is paid.
  • Moving in is guaranteed during our working hours. (Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 16:00)
  • Our appointments are opened two weeks in advance.
  • Sometimes appointments are getting booked a week in advance.
  • It is not possible to hand over the room or bed to anyone else than the one we signed the contract with.


Is to be done during daytime preferably between 10:00 and 20:00 without annoying your Flatmates.


We inform your flatmates about your arrival, so they can get excited in the good way not surprised by a stranger. 🙂

We send you useful information from the beginning of your stay basically until the very end you are with us.

You are always welcome to ask questions or report issues in email or you can always book an appointment to meet us in case you prefer to talk in person.

You will also get access to our emergency line that you can call 24/7. (Emergency is when life or wealth is at risk)

Section ONE

Basic Rules

#Common Sense

Not all the little details are listed here, but common sense is to be followed by every Tenant as a grownup. If you cause harm you won’t be able to refer that something was not detailed.

#Personal Meetings

Opening hours of our office is from 09:00 to 16:00 on working days. Personal visits such as room visits, discussing any kind of issues, move-ins and move-outs are available during opening hours in most cases even if the contracted move-in and move-out days are out of the opening hours.
Personal visits are only possible if an appointment has been booked in advance. In case of a NO-SHOW (you don’t come without notifying us) you will be charged with 5 000 HUF.

#Room Setup

Regardless of the photos you see on the website, rooms are equipped with a maximum of 1 sleeping place, 1 wardrobe and 1 desk + chair per person. (Plus small extra furniture such as nightstands, lamps trash cans, shelves, depending the exact room) 

#Multiple Person Rooms

If you would like to stay in a room for multiple people but you are alone you can book a single bed from the available beds you can find on our “FIND A BED” page. We accept only students to our shared rooms in the age between 20 and 35.

If you have friend(s) who you would like to rent a room together with you will need to provide the full name and email address of your desired roommates and your friends will need to go trough the application procedure.

#Booking & Deposit

You can book a room if you pay the deposit which is ONE FULL MONTH. Rooms are guaranteed for those who book them with a payment! No deposit, no reservation. Be aware!

If you change your mind about renting the room you are losing your deposit unfortunately.


Our pricing is EUR based, monthly rents are paid in HUF.


Every tenant needs to sign an official contract for a fixed term.

#Accomodation Reporting Form

We will help you fill it out, just email us before you start it.

We do provide 1 accomodation form card/person for the full period of your contract. In case your address card need to be replaced we fill out the new one for 3 000 HUF.

#Monthly Rent

The monthly amount of the rent is to be paid in advance due to an official invoice, by the 15th day of the month preceding the reference month by bank transfer. For example: until June 15 the fee for July should be paid (and so on). Regularly late payers can be fined by 5 000 HUF/occasion.


Every tenant gets 1 set of keys. Do not lose them – it costs 20 EUR/lost key. You are not authorized to copy or give the key or the RFID to anyone else. If you break this rule we are charging you 30 000 HUF for the first time and terminate your contract with immediate effect if it happens again.

#Refund, #Cancellation

After signing the contract, we can not refund money, cancellation after that is not possible. If the party paying the deposit withdraws from the contract, the amount paid will be non-refundable. Once the paying party books a room from a definite time he/she will be obligated to pay the rent even if he/she moves-in later.


You can not spend your quarantine days here. For that time you should look for another place.

Section TWO

During the stay


The rooms are divided into WiFi sections, so it is highly prohibited to share passwords with each other to avoid overloading any of the systems. If you share your password with anyone else you will be banned from using any of our internet services. Anyone means anyone is living in the building and either anyone who is not living here. You can not share our passwords with your friend nor family, because they will take away the bandwidth from other Tenants. Also if you are using any internet connections of ours other than the one we distributed to you it has the same penalty, you will be banned from using the internet.

#Lock The Door

Tenants are particularly requested to lock the door of their rooms and of the units all the time. The landlord will not in any way whatsoever be responsible for any loss or damage to the tenant’s belongings or any other property from either the room or a locker or any other part of the property for any cause whatsoever including theft of pilferage.

#Strictly Prohibited

No pets, no party, no smoking (carries a 50 000 HUF fine), no damage (the rooms are monitored regularly), and no sleepovers.

No electrical device (except phone chargers, laptops, and hair dryers) can be installed or used without the prior permission of the owner.

Batteries of electric vehicles are not allowed indoors. Permission needs to be requested in written form (email) from the owner. Batteries stored and charged without the permission of the owner are charged 30 000 HUF/month.

No sticking on the walls. Please do not stick posters and papers on the wall, cause that will damage the wall.

#Shared Areas

Always tidy up and wash after use. Please note, that the cleanliness and tidiness of the shared areas are to be maintained continuously. More tenants are using the same areas and tools, so you are obligated to clean up after yourself in the same minute you finished using an area or a tool. The landlord has the right to visit the shared areas at any time without prior notification to the Tenants to control, maintain or present the shared areas and unoccupied rooms. The landlord reserves the right to send a representative for these visits.

Shared areas are not to be used to store private belongings (shoes, bags, drying racks). The belongings left in the shared areas are to be removed without any prior notifications.


It is agreed that the tenant will conduct him/herself in a respectable manner and will not cause any nuisance or annoyance within the property premise. No parties of any kind, including sleepovers, are permitted.


Are accepted from 10:00 until 20:00. Why? All the rooms are taking place in shared flats/bigger corridors where others are living and you need to share some areas with them. In the mornings and evenings, people are likely to eat and prepare for the day/night. The tenants of other rooms need to be able to do these preparations with no interference from other’s Guests. That is why the rule for visitors has limits.
If you bring in a guest out of the accepted time (mentioned above) we are charging you 30 000 HUF for the first time and terminate your contract with immediate effect if it happens again.


A CCTV camera system is operating in the shared areas.

#Fire Safety

It is a basic duty for every single Tenant to behave the most responsible way to avoid any fire emergencies. Whoever risks the safety is to be punished by 5 000 to 100 000 HUF penalty or to be removed from the property with no previous notification and no refund given – depending on the seriousness of his/her act.

Using open fire on our premises (such as lighting candles…) is absolutely prohibited.

The owner strongly warns Tenant for the fact that he/she can not leave the non-stop supervision of cooking/baking food in the kitchen. In case the owner or owner’s representative discovers this behavior, Tenant is obligated to pay 5 000 to 50 000 HUF penalty. In case of Tenant continues this behavior Owner is obligated to remove the Tenant after the second time.

#Fire Alarm System

Bigger units (170, 190, 200) have a non-stop operating fire alarm system. In case a Tenant causes a fake alarm and the firefighters are marching, the costs are to be covered by the Tenant who caused the fake alarm. In the fortunate case that the fake alarm is stopped before the firefighters left their station, the Tenant is still obligated to pay a penalty of 50 000 HUF in five days followed the event of the alarm.

#Parcels, letters

Parcels and letters addressed to the Tenants are handled at the reception. Please note that we only take prepaid parcels and only the parcels of the current Tenants.

#Tools to borrow

You can borrow vacuum cleaner, iron with a board, laundry basket and hairdryer free of charge for 24 hours. Every additional started day costs 1 000 HUF/day.

#Laundry Room

The shared laundry room has its own House Rules hung in the Laundry room. Everyone who uses the laundry room automatically accepts all the information hung there and is obligated to follow the instructions.

#Washing machines in Units

The private washing machines of units are usable only by the Tenants of the exact unit to wash only their own cloths between 10:00-20:00 to avoid any disturbance of the others.

#Washing clothes

Washing clothes in the sinks is strictly prohibited. Please use the washing machine facilities or take your clothes to a self service laundry.


Garbage is collected selectively due to local law. All the Tenants must comply with rules of selection.

#Demages and discrepancies

As agreed in the contract Tenant needs to behave as a prudent caretaker of the property and its belongings. Hence if the Tenant experiences any damages or discrepancies he/she must report it to the landlord immediately by email (or via the emergency phone line depending on the urgency), preferably with a photo attached. Even if the Tenant is not the one who caused the damage or discrepancy he/she is obligated to report it. Missing to fulfill this obligation costs a minimum of 10 000 Huf penalty for the Tenant which can be elevated to the amount of the damage.

Section THREE

Moving out

#Return of the Key(s)

You will need to move out from your room on the last day of the contract at the latest. You will need to book an appointment for handing back your room (which is possible on working days based on our availability). When you give us the key your room will be checked. It should be totally emptied and cleaned and everything should be the same way as when you got the room. 

#Deposit Refund

The deposit can not be used as a monthly rent payment. 

The amount of the deposit is refunded after the handover of the room happened properly. 

Deposit refund transfers are launched in a maximum of 7 days after the room is taken back in the proper conditions.

If you rented a room with multiple people in the contract the total amount is refunded after the last person left the room.

If you rented only a bed in a room you need to hand back your part and the belonging equipment properly. 

If there is any unreported damage in the room the total amount is held back till the reparation costs are calculated and the reparation happens.